
Showing posts from September, 2018

CSULA-Fall 2018. Reflection Post #5

7 Characteristics of Instructional Design        This reflection's main focus is the seven characteristics of Instructional design which I read about for this weeks readings. I have always been a fan of seven, superstitious or not, I happen to believe that seven is a great way to organize most everything. From power point presentations to the bullets or the information presented on any given slide, to rules of life, such as the seven deadly sins, etc. In the seven characteristics of instructional design I learned that this teaching concept is a student-centered approach along with six other very effective methods of teaching a concept. I learned that this is a goal oriented process and that creativity is at its core. I learned that this method of instruction focusses on meaningful performance and that it is measurable, reliable, and valid. I learned that it is a self-correcting process and that is typically carried out with a team effort in mind. http://l...

CSULA-Fall 2018. Reflection Post #4

Info-graphs   So, what are infographics you may be wondering?? Well, by definition, "infographics is a clipped compound of information and graphics represented via graphic visual representations filled with informative information, data, and or knowledge intended to represent information quickly and clearly. Infographics can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends". And what is the best way to make the most impressive, accessible, and cognitively attracting infographic software? Well, that is up for debate, however, there are some amazing software programs out there that will make make a pro out of you if you just dedicate some time to navigating and learning about them. And, why should you use infographics? You should use infographics as this method of communication provides compelling information to your audience via graphic visual and cognitive representation. Here is a short video with some ...

CSULA-Fall 2018. Reflection Post #3

QR Codes  QR Code-an eye opener for me… It appears as though QR (Quick Response) codes have been around since 1994 by Denso wave. Apparently the code is the trademark name for the two dimensional barcode system. Albeit the term was coined or invented in 1994, it was not until 2011 that it became popular. I was always hesitant to download any QR apps, but after I learned about QR codes in this class I have not only downloaded an app, but have been sending text messages using QR codes. I just wished I would have known about how to effectively use QR codes before.  Simply follow these steps and you are in... 1)  Open the QR Code reader on your phone. 2) Hold your device over a QR Code so that it’s clearly visible within your smartphone’s screen.  Two things can happen when you correctly hold your smartphone over a QR Code.The phone automatically scans the code. On some readers, you have to press a button to snap a picture, not unlike the button on your smartph...

CSULA-Fall 2018. Reflection Post #2

Google Hangouts So, during class time week two, if I am not mistaken, we learned about google hangouts and how to use them in the classroom, with classmates, and or with our Professors. Google hangouts can be used for work or academic purposes. We learned that this app allows for a group of people working in a project are able to collaborate in real time, to send, and accept hangout invitations and to schedule for future hangout meetings. I had a great time meeting with my classmates in class and working in the class activity about canvas related issues, parking related issues, and even IT related was fantastic. We had a blast during class time and learned at the same time . If you have not had the opportunity to use hangouts within google, do yourself a favor...try it out! You'll be glad you did

CSULA-Fall 2018. Reflection Intro Blog #1

Did I choose the right Master's Degree?         I have pondered on this question since the moment I applied for graduate school. I would like to share with you all that that regardless of the different names the field of Education Design Instruction and Technology has been subject to, Instructional Design is a very dynamic field, and as such it should not be surprising that the name to identify this field has changed at least 5 times since it was first coined in 1920, (approximately).        In the 1920 for instance, this field was viewed with a media perspective in mind whereas in the 1940s with radio invention it was viewed and treated as an audiovisual field. Then there was T.V. In the 1950s this field was not only viewed with an audiovisual perspective in mind, but with the idea that visuals were the primary way to depict technology. Computers!!! Computers were introduced to the population at around the 1960s and 1970s, by ...