
Showing posts from November, 2018

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #13

Differences Among Three Types of MOOC's cMOOC, xMOOC , and pMOOC Two decades ago, you you probably would not be able to find anything online about "MOOC's"... times have changed... The term was coined by Dave Cornier. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. You can probably guess why the need to coin such a term...yes, the massive online courses are innovative and exciting, although regretfully the course completion rate is very low. Only 2-10 percent of enrollees survive. These are their characteristics: cMOOC is learner role active, instructor role co-learner, learning theory-connectivism, primary pedagogy-knowledge integration, metaphor-"we link movies", development approach-learning design, primary type of assessment-self-assessment, and funding source-seat of the pants funding. xMOOC is learner role-passive, instructor-sage on video stage, learning theory-behaviorism, primary pedagogy-knowledge duplication, metaphor-"we watch movies"...

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #12.

Stacey and Todd's Dilemma from our weekly class readings... In this week's readings we learned about the myriad social media tools and their educational uses. We learned that although both, Stacey and Todd recognize the dominion caliber social media integration has education they are unsure as to how to implement it into their respective fields. They both give credence that effective integration of social medial will require careful needs assessment, instructional design, and facilitation. Both, Stacey and Todd consider the most prominent social media sites such as Facebook, Bogs, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and Wiki. They also consider learning activities, with and without social media such as Lecture, Guest Lecture, Readings and Discussions boards (much like we, CSULA 4510 students experience in our discussions boards), Critique, and Research Projects. To conclude, Stacey and Todd both recognize that social media use has become a standard part of everyday life. They both ...

CSULA Fall 2018. Reflection Post #11

Why a Podcast?      Why a podcast indeed...well, as it turns out they are easy to make. Podcasts allow you to produce long-form content. Podcasts allow you to create your own show where you are your own guest! or create an interview style format. Podcasts allow you to connect with your audience. Podcasts are free to make. Of course, making a podcast needs some planning, therefore, before grabbing a microphone, take a moment to consider your audience and the content you want to share. Think about whether or not you want to divide the content into several podcasts and consider the length of time you want your podcasts to be. Once you have come up with a plan go ahead and check out this video on how to...You'll be glad you did...